United We Stand

United We Stand
No Retreat Stand And Fight

Harry Reid Labels Bundy Ranch Supporters As "Domestic Terrorists"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid opens mouth and inserts foot once again. At an event in Las Vegas, Reid calls Bundy Ranch supporters out as domestic terrorists. With no foundation in his statement, Reid continues to escalate the situation with these outrageous accusations.
http://tinyurl.com/staynliveThis was not a mistaken statement; he repeated it numerous times with emphasis on terrorist. Maybe Reid needs a dictionary or he could just look at the news once in a while to understand the true meaning of terrorism. There is terrorism going on throughout the world, wreaking havoc on the people who live under the fear every day. Reid is completely minimizing the true fear those people are going through. Reid has assumed the average citizen has no real concept of what he says means. He diminishes the true meaning of what terrorism means. Oddly, during the Benghazi attacks, Harry Reid would not mention the word terrorism.



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